Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Best of Intentions...

...sometimes get interrupted by day-to-day life.

After my last entry, illness in my family, and the unexpected deaths of my beloved grandparents, required I neglect my blogs in order to give priority to my loved ones. Though I am literally months behind, I do not regret the decision. As always, my family comes first. A sincere thanks to all of you who mailed and emailed condolences. Your compassion and kindness mean the world to me and your words of support have helped me immensely.

I have never thanked Debra Jandreau, Editor of Tremonton, Utah's wonderful little weekly newspaper, the Leader. Last September, Debra wrote a wonderful article about the cookbook. Thank you, Debra! You're a talented writer and you've made the Leader one of the best hometown newspapers in the west. I've pasted the text of the article below:

Peach book -- a tasty treat to read


Debra Jandreau
Leader Editor

While hundreds of people will use most of their senses to enjoy many of Brigham City's Peach Days events this weekend, one Box Elder County author offers a tasty way to also let your tastebuds in on the fun. Lori Nawyn has published a cookbook with peach recipes that are guaranteed to be fresh and new.

The cookbook, titled "Peach 101: Recipes Your Mother Never Told You About" is full of unique and tantalizing dishes like Harvest Trifle (rich pumpkin spice cake) and Sausage Peach Scramble.

As I reviewed a portion of this book for the Leader, I couldn't wait to try the Peach Dainties and Jammin' Spiced Peach Cookies recipes. Just the name sounds good. Wait till you find out what is in these tempting desserts.

Nawyn is a native of Brigham City and said she grew up loving peaches. Her experiences during Brigham City's Peach Days were one reason she wrote her new book.

"The famous Main Street Scuba Burgers and Dutch Oven Pork are perennial favorites but take second seat to peach yogurt, peach milk shakes, and the best peach cobbler in the country," Nawyn said about the dishes offered during Peach Days.

In early spring, Nawyn began to assemble her own original peach recipes. Those recipes included Grilled Shrimp and Peaches with Coconut Sauce.

"This dish is a tempting 'I want more!' favorite," Nawyn wrote.

Other recipes included several fast and simple desserts like Peaches 'n Chips, Peach Banana Sherbet and Peach Sorbet.

Her breakfast recipes included Peachy Keen French Toast, Fruity Hash browns, Cran-Peach Muffins and Sausage Peach Scramble.

No cookbook would be complete without side dishes like Sweet Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Glazed Baby Carrots, and main dishes like Grilled Turkey Cutlets, Glazed Peaches and Pork and Ham Stuffed Peaches.

"I sprinkled in a few old-time favorites from family members and friends and the result is my new cookbook -- Peach 101: Recipes Your Mother Never Told You About."

Nawyn's books of hope and love have been very popular and have gained national recognition. She has written award winning books like "The Magic and the Miracle of Christmas, Volumes I and II," and "Hearts and Hands: Stories of Hope for Mothers."

Her second cookbook, "Recipes from the Heart" is due out in 2007.

Nawyn's book "Peach 101: Recipes Your Mother Never Told You About" was released for distribution nationally last week and can be found in several bookstores.